A extension of the Meilisearch SDK for .NET that enabled the ability to embed the Meilisearch server and Ollama AI Server in your application. It also provides functionality for compressing and decompressing indexs as you need them to help with vector database size. Intergate directly with the Meilisearch SDK for .NET and AI intergation on the roadmap.
This is a tool to help users have a visual representation and detailed of where their storage is being used on their system and what it is being taken up by. You can also get reporting on duplicate files, and automate moving of files based on duplication and type. Advanced file searches, Automatic space saving recommendations, and cloud storage intergation on the roadmap.
This is a SAS solution to provide a platform for artists to sell their artwork without any third parties moderating your content. The platform has a administrator role that is responsible for managing the comission taken by the website from sales and approve applications to become artists. The artists are able to design their own page and customize a white label store. The artists are able to set a maximum amount of open requests that can exist to prevent from request spam/scamming. There is also a process in place for agreeing on the terms of the comission, once agreed upon the money is released, and the artist must upload the content.